Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 2: April 30

Change of plans

It turns out the virus the kids have isn't a flu, but the chicken pox.
So we'll be staying in Lima for a little while yet. The plan had been
to leave for Arequipa tonight, but now we'll have to skip that part.

But all is not lost. For one thing, we have two great rooms in a
decent inn, with a private courtyard. So we have access to the
outdoors (sunny and 24C for the past two days, and the forecast is the
same for the foreseeable future). Not a bad way to spend a quarantine.

The kids are in surprisingly good spirits. Solanne has only four
blisters; Maïa has many, many more. But both are happy and playing
more peacefully together than they have in months.

We'll spend our days relaxing and recuperating, which, it turns out,
is a welcome relief to both Derek and me. We were so busy planning and
booking in the weeks leading up to our vacation, and our itinerary was
looking so busy, this break may actually be what WE need, too.

So we'll bide our time in Lima, enjoying our courtyard and some decent
take out food, and even taking a few well-deserved siestas.

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