Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 0: April 28

Travel day

We encountered our first challenge early, before even getting to our
destination. Travelling for 12 hours with kids is hard enough, but add
to that the first few hours of a flu, and you've got yourself an
uphill battle against fatigue, frustration, and freak outs.

Solanne is mostly over hers; she's just got a remnant runny nose.
Derek is severely stuffed up and dealing with a sinus headache. I've
got a scratchy throat and some mild nausea. And Maïa - poor Maïa -
has a temperature and some vomiting.

And we're still just in Bogotà, waiting for our plane to leave for

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully full of rest and relaxation. Now,
if we could just magically transport to our hotel in Lima...

1 comment:

SarahC said...

Oh boy! Hope everyone feels better soon! xoxo