Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Milestone: First day of school

The first day of school began without much trepidation, at least on Maïa's part. I, on the other hand, was still in shock at the fact that my little Maïa is off to school... Anyhow, that's my issue, not hers. She's been looking forward to going to school all summer.

Now, I must qualify "first day of school," because really it was only an hour or so. Tomorrow is a fuller day (90 minutes in the morning, 90 minutes in the afternoon, with a 3-hour break in between... what am I supposed to do with her for three hours??). Then Thursday is the normal schedule. We'll put her on the bus next week.

Here she is waving good-bye to Daddy and Solanne, who are up in the balcony.

During our walk to school, Maïa and I sang silly songs, such as "Je fais pipi sur le gazon/ Pour embêter les coccinelles,/ Je fais pipi sur le gazon/ Pour embêter les papillons./ Pipi, gazon, papillons et coccinelles./ Pipi, gazon, coccinelles et papillons."

When we got to her school, we went to the gym to mix with other nervous parents and oblivious children and to meet the new teachers. Maïa's new teacher, Pascale, gave Maïa a name tag and announced that she is part of La classe des papillons (the Butterfly class).

This shot was taken in front of the school, after we left. As you can see, Maïa is very enthusiastic about going to school.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Maia! I love your long hair!

LV said...

J'espère que la première journée a été aussi excitante que la mienne!