This is us, with our gear in the canoe.

Me, showing off my paddling prowess.

Lac La Peche

Maïa decided to take it easy on the way in. She's awake here and snacking on a bagel.

When we found our campsite (about an hour and a quarter canoe ride from the beach where we parked our car), we were excited to see the water lilies, and lily pads, too!

Derek set up the tent while I entertained the troups (and took pictures).

Derek showing off his handy work.

The kids liked being in the tent.

...a lot.

We then went for a swim (not pictured). The water was warm and clean. The kids really like floating around in their life jackets.
Soon, it was time for supper. Derek wanted to cook the veggie dogs on our little stove; I said we should build a fire. It took a while.

It made a lot of smoke.

Derek was impatient and didn't think this would work. I threatened him with my fire stick.

While we prepared our real supper, the kids prepared a meal of wood chips and dirt.


When we were all done our supper (we very briefly toasted the dogs), the fire finally took. We sat around it and told stories.

I recited Jillian Jiggs; Derek recited Where the Wild Things Are. Maïa told many stories involving princesses. Solanne told a story about fireworks named Solanne (they were pink) who turned into a little girl who went to daycare.
The kids woke up at a record-breaking 8 am (latest ever on the books). After breakfast, we did a little exploring.

Then we went on a canoe trip with a picnic lunch.

Solanne fell asleep in the canoe.

This is where we parked our canoe and had lunch.

Solanne fell asleep, again, on the way back. We left her in the canoe to let her sleep. She seemed really tired.

I knew something was up. And sure enough, when she woke up, she was burning up. We packed up camp in a hurry; Solanne fell asleep once more, this time sitting up at the picnic table. We put everything in our canoe and paddled back to the car and then drove home.
Solanne is doing alright; we're keeping her temperature in check with meds. Despite the emergency return "home" (we're staying at Nana & Grampa's), we had a really nice trip.
Looks like the girls quite enjoyed the trip! The picture of Solanne asleep lying in the canoe is adorable! Although, it doesn't look very comfortable!
Sounds like a great family adventure!
you guys are ambitious
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