Monday, May 10, 2010

a post-card to my readers

hello friends! Access to wi-fi here has been limited. So far, we've managed to find exactly one wi-fi hotspot (in Vatican City, of all places), which is where I uploaded my first two posts. I've been writing them as I go, but will only upload as I find wi-fi (right now I'm in an internet cafe, which, ironically has no wireless internet).

I haven't yet figured out how to load my camera pics onto my iphone and send them along with blogposts, so until we get back, the posts will likely be image-free. I do commit, however, to add pics when we get back (we have some magnificent ones so far!).

The weather here could be better; we've had mostly clouds, some rain, and temps between 18 and 20 degrees. Am hoping things will clear and warm up for our stay by the sea. But, as Derek keeps saying, we're in Italy!

Ciao tutti!

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