Monday, November 03, 2008


As parents, we spend a lot of our time helping our kids learn new things, master new skills, in short, we help them grow up. And then, when it happens, it comes as a shock or at least a slight surprise.

Not too long ago–well, about a week ago, actually–"R"s were a very difficult sound for Solanne. She sounded like a young (and very cute) Elmer Fud: "I weally don't wememba that stowee."

Maïa tried to teach her sister how to pronounce the elusive R. She would correct her, remind her, cajole her. Solanne would try and try, but if pushed too hard she would remind us all, quite firmly, "I can't say Aws, it's too hawd!"

And they are. Francophones have a hard time with those English Rs. Think of it, your voice has to be able to register much lower for an R than for other letters (say it out loud, and you'll notice it). And it's at the back of your throat, in a most unexpected place for sounds.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, Solanne just got it. And then she got it again. And now, a few days in, I barely recognize her accent anymore. Her little voice hits that low note inside her throat and out comes her perfect little R.


SarahC said...

Fun to have you over week will organize something more kid-friendly!!

SarahC said...

oups...i meant "next time"!!