Sunday, December 02, 2007

Seven random things: Solanne

1) Solanne can wink. Not one of those fake preschooler winks. It's the real deal, and she can do it with her right eye and her left eye, independently.

2) She has frightening (for me and Derek) night terrors, yet she never remembers them in the morning. She'll wake up screaming, usually because of some nightmare she's having, often involving Maïa taking something from her. It can take up to an hour to calm her down. Luckily, it usually only takes five or ten minutes.

3) Solanne loves dolls. Most children have at least a passing interest in dolls and parenting roles, but Solanne is quasi-obsessed. If it were up to her, she would have a doll under her arm every moment of the day. She also likes to say I'm a good momma.

4) She likes to make up stories and lyrics to her own songs. And we are not allowed to interrupt. Not even to comment on how interesting the story is. Ever.

5) She loves to dance and hates it when she sees someone watching her.

6) "I love you soooo much" is her favourite sentence this week.

7) Solanne used to love food but now it's a fight to get her to eat: she's officially a preschooler.

1 comment:

KMM said...

Do we get to learn seven random things about Derek next?
I finally posted mine. I love all of your photos and stories. Miss you !