The first evening after the worst injury occurred, Maïa was very... um... whiny. There's no other word for it. I understand that scabs on the knee are painful and uncomfortable, but Maïa was really milking it. She sat in the livingroom, on the floor, complaining that she couldn't get onto the armchair because her knee hurt too much. I picked her up and placed her on the chair; then I returned to the kitchen to help Derek with dinner.
Soon, we heard a plaintive moaning, almost a meowing! "Ow. Owee. OWEE!!" It was Maïa, once again, complaining. It went on and on and on. At one point, I really did think there was an injured kitten outside the livingroom window! I asked Maïa, who had crawled back down to the floor, if I could get her anything. She told me she would like some paper and her markers. Finally!, I thought, maybe this will get her mind off the pain.
And sure enough, it did. The moaning stopped. Derek and I continued to prepare supper in peace.
A few moments later, our sad little injured Maïa scooted her bum into the kitchen (remember: walking was too painful!), and with her best puppy eyes, looked up at us and pointed to her creation:

One little peal of laughter from this corner of the world...just beautiful!! Makes me think of my "Sarah is sad" markings all over the house the day before I fell ill with the chicken pox...!!
That's hilarious!!! Apparently, you and Derek were not meeting her expectations of sympathy for these owies!
Too cute!
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