Sunday, October 08, 2006

A comment on comments

Dear reader,

I have noticed as of late that you have not been posting any comments. And I know that you're out there, reading this blog. And often enough, I know that you think, That's funny, or, That's stupid, or, There's a silly typo here, or, Hey, that happened to my kid and my story is better... Whatever you're thinking, I would like to hear it.

You see, dear reader, I feel like I'm writing into the ether. Some of you might be shy because you think your comments are dumb. To you I say (in my best teacher voice), There are no stupid comments, only stupid readers who don't comment. Or you might be thinking that you don't know me personally and so you shouldn't post. To you I say, I comment on strangers' blogs and they seem to enjoy it, and I know that I would enjoy hearing from you, too, anonymous reader. Or you might be thinking that you're the only one who comments. And to you I say, I know!! Try to get the others to comment too!

And dear reader, I am talking to YOU. Not to the other reader, but to you. To brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law and cousins and cousins-in-law, parents (in-laws and natural), aunts and uncles, dear friends, near friends, new friends, far friends, husband, former colleagues, friends-of-friends, random readers who have stumbled across my blog...

Why? I have a few reasons in mind: one, so that I know that you're actually out there. Two, to get feedback on my writing. Three, to create a kind of virtual community. Four, 'cause I like you guys. Five, it's fun.

So do it. Now. To this very entry. Try this on as an idea: write a comment explaining why you don't usually comment on this blog. Ha. I dare ya.


Anonymous said...

no comment ;)

Anonymous said...

A comment on the comment on "A comment on comments"... 'nuff said. ;-)

Anonymous said...

ok, ok... a real comment. Why don't we comment more? Cause that word verification thing is so hard to read! And if we mess up the comment, there's no way to edit it! yikes, talk about pressure! Actually, one of my main reasons is that often my reaction is one of "oh, I can so relate... the other day Samantha..." but this site is about Maia and Solanne, not about Sam, so I figure I'll just skip the comment and I'll leave the story for a personal email. And as for why I'm so lame at emailing, that's a whole other comment. *grin*

Anonymous said...

Bon! I know what you mean about the word verification... I don't have any letters on my keyboard that look like that! As for pressure... please! You guys write a zillion times more stuff than I ever will... just do it and I'll laugh quietly, I promise.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cristina,

I'm one of those avid readers who hasn't been participating via the comments... sorry, I'll try to use it more in the future!

By the way, I strongly dislike the 'cousin-in-law' term... I've pretty much thrown it out for you, Julie and Naomi. As far as I'm concerned, I've got three more cousins now then when I was little. It has nicely balenced out our family!

Anonymous said...

hey, Chris, don't you have FIVE more cousins?? Maïa and I were talking about her cousins, and you were the first on her list. I think quid pro quo is in order here, non?

Anonymous said...

Fair enough; 5 new cousins! If we count Sandra too, then the girls out number the boys... how did that happen???

Anonymous said...

It only seems fair, I think. And yes, we do count Sandra. Maïa very clearly enumerated her among her cousins. You could let her know that she's missed...

Anonymous said...

Tell Maïa thanks! I love being part of the family.
ps: I'm an avid reader too...I especially loved the one you wrote recently on your anniversary with Derek, it made me teary eyed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, this is me! I read this and I laugh, I nod my head with understanding sometimes, I admire you silently in my head, and think about how lucky your two girls are. Why don't I blog more often? Probably because I am shy, because I too have children after me all day long, often hearing in the background as I try to squeeze in a few minutes of computer time "Miss Lemieux, Paul just hit Patrick, and Stevie had an accident..." I will try to be better. Really. I will. Plus, you single-handedly prompted me to take up knitting again - I made a blanket for Simon's newborn niece! I'll send you a picture.
