We made the best of it: we lit candles, pulled out the flashlights for Maïa to play with, and played some games (ok, this last one we do all the time, but somehow it's different with the lights out). We had the perfect excuse not to have to clean up after supper: no light and no hot water means that it's impossible to do the dishes. What a relief - until the light of morning, when all the yuckiness of the night before is made evident... but we didn't think of that at the time.
The kids took it all in stride. After only a momentary uneasiness on Maïa's part, they embraced the darkness. We shone the flashlight in every direction. Including eyes. Uh, don't look directly into the flashlight, Mai. Solanne was intrigued by the moving light on the ceiling and made her bird sign. That's not a bird, Sol, it's the light. More frantic bird signs. It's the light. See? The flashlight is making light. Bird signs. Ok, you think that's a bird. It's kinda like a bird...
And then it was bedtime. Funny how even events like a blackout can't stave off the Bedtime. So Maïa got a story by flashlight, and off they went to rest in a very dark room.
By the way, we got power back by midnight... and lost it again the next day, but only enough to bug us and make the clocks flash 12:00.

Our camera has a great night photo feature, so it's actually much darker than it seems by the picture.
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