Many of you may not know this about Derek and me, but we are terrible punsters. We reserve the most ridiculous ones for each other, knowing that the other will understand and even laugh when most would just leave the room, utterly disgusted with the stupidity of it all. I would rather not share any here, now, for fear of losing many friends.
The beauty of family is the comfort we feel with one another, and so just as we don't mind when our chidren see us first thing in the morning, bad hair and halitosis and all, we don't hide our punning and word games from them. And so they, too, have picked up on it. Maïa and Solanne are absolute experts in the field now and will certainly surpass us soon.
My very favourite word play, so far, is Maïa's invention. She doesn't do it anymore, or even recall it, but it was brilliant. We were in Nova Scotia visiting Derek's uncle and aunt and their sons; Maïa was 20 months and excitedly discovering language. She was also discovering relationships and how they worked. In fact, a short four months later, days after her sister was born, she would recite our family composition: mummy-daddy-Maïa-Solanne! — over and over again! But at the time, the next best thing to a sister was her friend, Zoë. As many small children, Maïa very much liked butterflies and talked a lot about "papillons." So one day, she started playing with the word and came up with: papillon, mamillon, zoë-llon. Pretty smart, I thought.
Solanne, too, has been known to play word games, but hers so far are mostly sign-word games. Her very first, I believe, was when she was about 13 months old. At that point she had about 5 sign words in her vocabulary, one of which was bird (forefinger and thumb coming together like a bid beak). She was sitting at the table, eating raisins when she discovered that the action of picking up raisins mimicked the sign for bird. She thought it was hilarious! She picked up a raisin in one hand and made the bird sign with the other. Her first "rhyme" was born!
Derek and I, eternal punsters, and very proud of our girls. Of course, we'll have to teach them to keep the worst (best?) word plays to themselves because, really, the world isn't ready for them yet.